Sticking to It


“When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”

Yes, this statement proves true in writing, too. Writing is hard, but we keep going anyway. We push through the difficult scenes, we get past writer’s block, and we find something to write about even when we think whatever we write is terrible. We continue to write because we love it.

Sticking to what you set out to do can sometimes be difficult, especially if you set out to write an entire book and publish it. Whether it’s finding a story idea, editing a chapter, or searching for the right publishing route, there are times during the publishing process where it seems hopeless and you contemplate giving up. Well, if you’re currently feeling down today, I’m here to tell you not to give up. Stick to it, and here’s why…

The reward is so worth it. You get the accomplishment of finishing what you start. There’s nothing like the feeling of finishing a book you set out to write. At times it seems like you’ll never reach the finish line, but when you do, it makes it all worth it. Think of the end result and let that motivate you.

There’s a silver lining to every cloudy day. If you’re in the middle of a difficult scene, keep in mind that you can and will overcome it. Whether you push your way through or skip to the next part and come back, there’s nothing you come across that should stop you if you stick to it.

If you’re in the middle of editing and you’re feeling like giving up, try taking a break and go write something for a change. I do this all the time, and it keeps me from getting burnt out during the grueling task of endless edits. By writing something else, it will give you a break and therefore refresh your point of view.

By sticking to what you put your mind to, you can reap the reward of finishing. The end results are what we as writers live for. Just think of the day when you’ll finally be able to hold a physical copy of your book in your hands. Don’t quit just because you’ve run into a roadblock. Keep at it. Stick to what you set your mind to do and accomplish your goals. Yes, it may take years and you must put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into it, but there’s no better feeling than writing a book and having others read it. It’s a feeling I believe all writers live for. So, stick to it. You might just surprise yourself with what you’re capable of!

Just write!



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